Monday 28 September 2009

Tip of The Day #2

Today's Tip of the day just happens to follow on from yesterdays! Hope you enjoyed the read and that these tips will come in use. The tip of the day for Monday is

"Never dismiss ideas - keep them aside to go back to at a later date"

So now you have your notebook (and you keep it by your bedside!) you will find that you jot down ideas on the spare of the moment. Using your notebook to write down anything that comes into your head is great. Even if it is one word, one sentence or a random group of words which you think will come in handy, even a setting for a story which you haven't started writing yet. These are all thoughts that you have come up with or had an idea for at some time during your career, so give yourself some credit for them, don't just throw them away, keep them aside!

If you don't use them straight away don't dismiss them, keep them for the future because at some point when you have writer's block (which we all get) they may come in handy and give you something to start writing about again. An idea which works (only if you are persistant and stick to it) is to keep a page for each date in your notebook, only an A5 sized book, write the date at the top and jot down your ideas for that day. And then when you look back and use them just cross them off. It could be a great idea you have but just nowhere to use it yet or no inspiration to do something with it. So save it for a later date. Never just cross it off or throw it away.

Look out for Tip #3

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