Sunday 27 September 2009

Tip Of The Day #1

Trying to juggle more than one job or job idea a day is hard. I know myself having a full time job, how hard it is to come home and sit down to get on with my own work. So over the last few months I have been coming up with ideas to help manage my work load and thought it would be good to share it with anyone else who finds they sometimes feel a bit confused at where to start. Or may even feel that they have so much going round in their head and are finding it hard to get it out onto paper.

After gathering my list together, I am now going to give a Tip Of The Day from now on, which I am hoping will be of some use to you at some point in the near future.

Your 1st tip is going to be

"Carry a note book with you where ever you go/Always have a notebook by your side"

It may sound simple and you may think I already do that but how often do you write in that book and how often do you refer back to it? For the last few months I have been carrying a note book around and it really helps when i am stuck or looking for ideas, to go back and have a scan through of previous ideas I have written down. The best place for my note book is on my desk right next to my bed. The most creative thinking takes place when I am trying to get to sleep. I become indulged in lots of ideas and find that I can't get to sleep, even though i am 95% of the time, shattered! So being able to grab my note book and jot down some ideas is great. They are then taken out of my mind (allowing me to get some sleep)and put on a piece of paper for me to come back to when I am awake and ready to start working.

This doesn't just apply to writers, this works well for many people. Again it may seem obvious but there are times when you are out and about and an idea pops into your head and you have no where to write it down. You say to yourself, 'I must write that down when i get home' (a line we are all familiar with) and no doubt by the time you are home, that idea is a million miles away from the fore front of your mind now!

So my 1st tip is get yourself a good sized notebook, that isn't to much hassle to carry around, and make it your new best friend. Remember to always keep some paper and a pen by your bedside. Its generally a lot of people's most creative time! Look out for tip #2.

1 comment:

  1. Great tip. That's how my ideas came to me--through dreams. I did the same thing by using a notebook to jot things down, then arranged them into an outline and only 2 years later, Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male was published. Can't wait for tip #2.
